Thursday, April 21, 2011

I've been blogging for a year!

I just realized that my first "real" family update on the blog was posed 1 year and (almost) 1 month ago, March 23, 2010! I completely missed my blog's birthday LOL. I just had to share my revelation!

So, Happy Belated Birthday, Crystal Creek Blog! lol

Thanks to everyone who's helped me with my blog and gave me ideas to steal, I mean use for my game. And thanks to all the readers and the comments you left (or didn't leave). Knowing you're out there and actually interested in my little sims have really helped keep the interest in the game alive for me!

~Happy Simming!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Round 4 Summary

Here's a summary of what went down in Round 4:

Births: n/a
Deaths: n/a
Engagements: n/a
Marriages: n/a
Break-ups: Camille Thomas and Franky Sullivan
Graduations: n/a
New Residents: Kyle Bryant, Celeste Dietrich

Total Population (playables): 35 (20 Female, 15 Male)

Babies: 0
Toddlers: 0
Children: 4
Teens: 4
Adults: 24
Elders: 3

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Round 4: Autumn 2011 (Semester I)
(Shelah White is 20)
Narrated by Michelle

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Round 5 ROS

Round 5: ROS

I decided to put this up a little early since I'm still writing the last update of Round 4, and I already had this ready.

Round 5's ROSs are:

1. Car accident. Oh no! You were in an accident and totaled your car!
2. Adopt a pet.
3. Errands. Must visit 3 community lots before the end of the day.

I rolled a bunch of ROSs for this round and next (and the next! I went a little overboard lol) and since all of them were doable, I decided to do 3 ROSs instead of just 2. These should be interesting!

-If you'd like to download my ROS file, you can get it on my brand, spankin' new ROS page on the right.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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