Monday, July 11, 2011

Break Even

Round 5: February 2012 (Winter)
Will Robinson is 59, Eva is 58, Keisha is 21 and Brian is 10
(Ryan Baker is 21)
next update / last update
Narrated by Will

One of Keisha's best friends had twins earlier this month and Keisha had been dying to meet them. She was so excited when Alicia finally invited her over a couple of weeks ago.

Keisha says that Alicia barely has enough energy to get out of her pajamas most days after caring for the babies. So when Keisha's over there, she's often asked to watch them while Alicia takes a quick nap or until Alicia's boyfriend comes home.

Keisha's always happy to oblige. She loves children so it's like she's getting a little training before she has her own.

Recently, Brian came home from school with a note from Principal Reid stating that he had been misbehaving at school. So before I decided whether to put him on punishment, I told him to explain what happened.

He said during recess one of the teachers caught him teasing one of the new kids and they were both sent to the principal's office.

After making them both tell their sides of the story, Principal Reid concluded that Brian was at fault.

He was given a warning and was asked to apologized to the girl, which he did.

I asked Brian if the reason he was teasing the girl was because he liked her and at first he said no. Then he said maybe a little bit.

Unfortunately for him, we don't tolerate bullying, so his punishment was to clean the kitchen for a week.

Eva and I haven't done anything special for Valentine's Day in years but seeing we've been married nearly 30 years, we decided to go out for a special dinner. Since Keisha had plans of her own, we took Brian to the Rodriguez's house to spend the night.

Brian thinks Angel's parents are cool so he didn't mind going over there.

He said they allowed him and Angel to play video games all night...

... and didn't get mad when he started a food fight with Angel at dinner.

He was really enjoying his freedom there because he knows none of that would fly at home.

Eva and I spent our Valentine's evening at a beautiful restaurant downtown. It was so romantic inside and the meal was the best meal we've had in a long time.

The champagne was really flowing and we both felt like teenagers flirting and blowing kisses across the table.

We had just enough energy to enjoy a couple more drinks and dancing in the lounge upstairs before heading home.

Eva and I don't get to go out together much anymore but we're both going to make more of an effort now. I can't remember the last time we danced.

The following morning, we got up to find Keisha and Ryan anxiously waiting for us in the living room. They couldn't wait to tell us that Ryan had proposed at dinner!

Keisha then proceeded to tell us all the details of their evening. Ryan made sure they had the best seat at the restaurant, a corner table with a great view of the city that overlooked the pond.

The evening started out pretty normal. They were enjoying each other and dinner and Keisha didn't expect anything out of the ordinary.

During dessert, Ryan took a box out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

Keisha knew what it was immediately and didn't even try to hide her excitement.

Of course she said yes. I think she's been planning her wedding since she was 9 years old.

The restaurant sent over complimentary champagne to congratulate them and they celebrated the rest of the evening.

After sharing the news with us, they met up with all of their friends to tell them, too.

She's the first of her group of friends to get engaged so she just couldn't wait to share the news with them.

Eva and I are naturally very happy for Keisha and Ryan but of course we went into parent-mode. Later that week, we sat down with them to let them know that we think they should wait a few years before getting married.

We did not want to crush their enthusiasm but they need to think realistically. They're both very young with little money and no careers and we don't want them to struggle like many young couples do when they don't think these things through.

By the end of the conversation, I think they realized that we had valid points and will probably wait a while.

Our conversation hasn't stopped Keisha from going window shopping downtown with friends to "see what's out there". We'll be happy with whatever they decide to do, but we hope they'll take what we said into consideration.

Some extra cute pics (I took so many this session!):

-If anyone is interested in the restaurant I sent Eva and Will to for dinner, you can download it at MTS. It's called Restaurant "Vue Sur La Mer" . I only made a few changes to the interior.
-The restaurant I sent Keisha and Ryan to is my remodel of One-Twenty Fine Cafe that came with Nightlife. I used the Giovanni's Ristorante objects from Sims Connection found in the Booty.
-Now onto the update. Yay, my first engaged couple since I started blogging! :) They both rolled up marriage wants during their date on Valentine's Day. I know sims usually roll up those kinds of wants on dates but seeing that both Keisha and Ryan are family sims and they both rolled up the specific want to marry each other, I went ahead and had Ryan propose.
-This is my longest update so far and I wasn't even sure what I was going to do for this update when I first loaded their house. But I ended up taking so many pics once I thought about Valentine's Day. I had never seen the animations for "surprise proposal" so I was cheesing and snapping pics every second. And Will and Eva were so cute to take pics of during their date, too. I never thought Will was all that handsome until I saw him in his suit.
-I have no idea what I'm going to do with Keisha and Ryan's wedding yet or even a date. But Will and Eva are right. They have very little money so they need to work on their savings and a place to live first. The only thing I know for sure are the colors. Keisha's favorite color is green and Ryan's is yellow and I found some nice inspiration boards using that combo. I just might need some help from my fellow simmers when it comes to some recolors *cough* Apple Valley *cough* might need a cake recolor *cough cough* ;)
-You saw another glimpse of Alicia and Kyle's apartment and I finally took pics of the whole thing. I promise that the tour will go up by the end of the day. N99ers, I'll be making a thread in the Annex, too.


  1. What a cute update! I love the surprise engagement, I use it whenever I can :). So much love going around! And poor Brian, I have no idea why little boys think the way to a girl's heart is by annoying the heck out of her!!! I can't wait to see what Keisha comes up with for her wedding since she's been thinking about it so long :)

  2. Your simmies are so adorable. I heart Will and Eva's date, they look so sweet, like that cute older couple you see around with the man with the smooth moves and the lady who looks far younger than what she is. I am so excited that Kiesha and Ryan are getting engaged. I wish they didn't have to wait a while, sometimes some simmies get married young. Just let me know what you have in mind for the cake and shot me an email with some of those inspiration cake pics (starrsim at yahoo dot com)

  3. Mizzgin, thanks for reading and for your comment! I’ll definitely be using the surprise engagement animation a lot. I thought Keisha looked so cute bouncing in her chair the way she did. In my head, I saw her as the type to get giddy like that so I was so happy. I googled yellow and green wedding colors and I got a slew of ideas! It’s going to be harder for me to narrow down my choices than to actually pull off the wedding lol. There aren't going to be many sims there at all.

    And oh do I remember the days of little boys punching and pinching me and the other girls when they wanted attention LOL. I don’t know why they think annoying us will make us like them any more. Yet, my hubby still hasn’t learned that LOL. ;)

    Starr, thanks for reading and for your comment! I think you hit the nail on the head with your assessment of Will and Eva. Eva kind of reminds me of my mom. My mom will be 59 next year and I don’t think she looks near “elder” at all. She looks good for her age although she wouldn’t think so.

    I’m so excited to do a wedding and I really don’t want to wait too long either. But you never know. I… I mean they might be able to find a way to get married soon-ish and not break their very tiny banks. Eva and Will are able to help out a little, too, but they’re probably hoping Keisha will start acting more responsibly with money before they give her any.

    And thanks for picking up on my not-so-subtle hints lol. I’ll shoot you an email once I start narrowing down my choices and looking at what’s already out there to download. Thank you thank you! :)

  4. What a fun, fun, fun update! I really like Keisha. She is just so pretty in a non-cookie cutter kind of way. She looked absolutely adorable in all of the engagement pics, especially the ones where they were telling their friends about it. I can't wait to see what you do with their wedding.

  5. Mandie, thanks for reading and for commenting! Glad you enjoyed the update. I had fun taking the pics, obviously lol. I was just thinking the other day that Keisha's non-traditionally pretty. There was a thread at N99 talking about whether we have only pretty sims or not in our hoods and I thought of Keisha and her fam. They're a good looking bunch but not model pretty. And I'm really excited to start planning a sim wedding!

  6. Loved the glimpse of Alicia and the twins - glad she's doing well and she's got friends to help her out.

    Oh my gosh, how cute is Brian with his little crush! Not dealing with it in the best way but it's a very realistic way, lol! He and Angel are such mischievous little things together as well.

    A romantic Valentine's Day for all concerned - a lovely dinner for Eva and Will and a proposal for Keisha! She and Ryan are a cute couple but I think it's a good idea for them to wait a few years.

  7. Carla, thanks for reading and for your comment! While I was decorating the twins’ nurseries, I really got an itch to play Kyle and Alicia for a little bit. So teleporting Keisha over there was just an excuse to play them out of sequence without feeling too guilty LOL. But yes, they’re handling parenthood ok. More on them in a few sim-months :).

    I think Brian’s at that age where he's starting to notice girls but not really sure what he's feeling. And since he’s mean, tormenting them seemed like the right way to go, right? lol. And I almost missed that he and Angel were best friends. I’m hoping he can break Angel out of his shell but hopefully won’t influence him in any other way!

    I had fun doing Valentine’s Day for the 2 couples and glad you all enjoyed seeing it, too. I’m all for planning a wedding but I also don’t want them to struggle. I think they should wait a little, too, so they at least have a little money of their own, but I’m still trying to figure out if Keisha and Ryan are the type to listen to her parents and wait or ignore them and rush into it. We'll see! :)

  8. Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to finally comment here! I'm so sorry for that!
    Yay for the engagement! I loved the pictures of them telling their friends, with her showing her ring :)

    I'm glad Brian had a nice Valentine's day too, even though he's too young to get the real thing :)

  9. That's ok, Tanja! I have a lot of catching up to do myself! Just not enough time in the day sometimes.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting! Glad you enjoyed the pics of Keisha showing off her ring. I had fun taking those. And yes, Brian had as much fun as a 10 year old could have on Valentine's Day ;). I'm looking forward to doing V-day again in the future. It was fun.


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