Thursday, April 21, 2011

I've been blogging for a year!

I just realized that my first "real" family update on the blog was posed 1 year and (almost) 1 month ago, March 23, 2010! I completely missed my blog's birthday LOL. I just had to share my revelation!

So, Happy Belated Birthday, Crystal Creek Blog! lol

Thanks to everyone who's helped me with my blog and gave me ideas to steal, I mean use for my game. And thanks to all the readers and the comments you left (or didn't leave). Knowing you're out there and actually interested in my little sims have really helped keep the interest in the game alive for me!

~Happy Simming!


  1. Happy Blogaversary!!!! Blogging really does help keep interest in the game :). Here's to many more to come!

  2. Yay, happy blogiversary! Feels like only yesterday that you started, lol but I hope to see much, much more from you!

  3. Thank you Starr and Carla! It does feel like only yesterday but I'm having fun and hope to keep on going!

  4. Happy blogaversary! I had to take a look at all the first entries yesterday :P

  5. Thank you, Flit! Oh geez! My first entries were horrible LOL! But you gotta start somewhere, right? ;)

  6. Congrats! I love Sims 2 stories and challenges, so this blog is definitely on my reading list.
    I'm following - follow back? :)

  7. Thanks for commenting, Diana! I love reading about others' sims so I'll add yours to the list! Thanks for adding me! :)

  8. Happy anniversary to Crystal Creek!! I hate my first entries too, good point that we all have to start somewhere! and I never think poorly of other people's first entries when I back read.

  9. Thanks Maisie! :) I never think poorly of others' first entries, either. It really shows how much a person has grown in their writing, storytelling and picture taking.

  10. Happy anniversary! Mine came and went without me realizing it, too, so don't feel too bad.

  11. LOL Thanks LaurelCrossing! It didn't seem like a whole year went by! It feels like I just started a couple months ago. :)

  12. Oh, a year only? I had the feeling you'd be blogging forever and that I had missed tons of things happening in your game! :D
    Happy Belated Anniversary!

  13. Thanks Sandy! I'm glad that it feels like I've been blogging for much longer. Sometimes I feel like such a n00b :).


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